This poster outlines a project which was broken into three parts: object study, 2-D exploration, and 3-D construction. In the first stage, we sketched a nature made object that related to our chosen artist, observing it from different points of view in order to better understand its intrinsic qualities. I decided to focus on the dual characteristics of a peach, such as its asymmetry and contrasting textures. This led to a series of 2-D drawing that encompass the essence of a peach without being obvious. In my case, the artist I was trying to emulate was Picasso, so I tried to abstract the image of a peach the way he would have done. This process resulted in a colored image, shown just to the left of center on the poster. The final stage was to construct a 3-D concept model of a room that could be used by a person, and incorporated characteristics of the natural object and the artist's work. Mine has the curves and colors of a peach, and the receding layers which Picasso would have used in his stage designs.
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